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Same Day Dental Implants

Why Replace A Missing Tooth?

Teeth can go missing for various reasons including severe decay, infection and trauma and is something that many people will experience during their lives. When this happens it is important to replace the missing tooth as soon as possible because the empty space in your mouth opens the door for the other teeth to start moving around which can come with serious side effects.

When a tooth goes missing, nearby teeth can start to tilt toward the empty space or the teeth in the opposite jaw may move up or down towards the space. This places stress on both the teeth and tissues in your mouth and teeth that have tipped are more difficult to clean making them more likely to decay. Missing teeth can also affect how you speak and chew your food. Trying to compensate and chewing food on only one side can increase the risks of a TMJ disorder or other jaw pain and problems.

Any natural teeth that need or have been extracted should be replaced as soon as possible! Call our office at (La Jolla) 858-455-7777, or (Chula Vista) 619-482-5555 or request an appointment online to come in and have us take a look. We can discuss all of your tooth replacement options and get your smile looking and functioning back to normal.

What Are Dental Implants

An implant is a titanium "root" which can be placed into the jawbone. Once integrated with your bone, the implant can be used to support a crown, a bridge, or secure a complete denture. Dental implants may be used to eliminate partial plates and dentures. Implants have been used successfully for over thirty years, have a high success rate and function and feel like your natural teeth. Dental implants are now the standard of care for replacing missing teeth. Dental implant treatment represents a slightly greater investment than conventional treatment; however, the benefits of implant therapy for most patients outweigh the minor additional cost involved.

Please visit our Implant FAQs to get answers to the most common questions about the dental implant process from the first consultation, to getting them places, and the final cost.

Same Day Dental Implants

In many situations it is possible to remove the diseased and/or loose teeth and replace them with dental implants at the same time. In almost all situations simultaneous bone grafting is completed. This method of treatment reduces the number of surgical visits. It also speeds up the entire process enabling the implants to be ready to receive (caps/crowns) more quickly.

NobelGuide - Teeth-in-an-hour

NobelGuide Dental Implant Surgery Planning software allows us to take the information from i-CAT scan of a patient's mouth and perform virtual surgery on the computer before taking a patient into the actual surgery. The NobelGuide system means you can now replace missing teeth with permanent dental implants easily, quickly and comfortably. Only NobelGuide gives you beautiful teeth-in-an-hour.

With conventional treatment you have to wait for your implants to heal before teeth are placed, which can take months. NobelGuide gives you your new teeth right away. You may be able to eat immediately after the treatment. Not only does it reduce the number of visits to your dentist, you also spend less time there. Best of all, no recovery period is needed after treatment, so you can return to your active life immediately.


This prosthesis is used in special situations for patients who have enough bone in the anterior regions of the lower or upper jaws, but limited amount of bone in the posterior regions and are not candidates for extensive bone grafting.

Dental Implants vs. Dentures vs. Bridges

Dental implants replace the entire tooth root without having to affect surrounding teeth. Dentures can not only look unnatural and feel unpleasant, but they require frequent dental visits for adjustments or even complete replacement. Additionally, full arch dentures lead to bone resorption (shrinkage) of the jaw thus changing your facial appearance and requiring even further treatment. Bridges require the surrounding teeth to be modified to place the bridge. Because a bridge does not replace the tooth root, gums and bone at the missing tooth site recede, leading to an unsightly and even embarrassing appearance. Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement option that offers all the benefits of a real tooth and none of the problems experienced with dentures or bridges. Compare the benefits below...

Tooth Replacement Option Implants Dentures Bridges
Preservation of adjacent teeth Yes No No
Bite-force transmitted to: Jaw bone Surrounding teeth & gums Surrounding teeth
Keeps bone integrity & facial appearance Yes No No
Requires frequent adjustments No Yes Yes
Risk of damaging adjacent teeth No Yes Yes

What is the cost of dental implant treatment?

The actual cost of dental implant treatment is based on a number of factors, such as the number of missing teeth being replaced, the type of implant supported teeth (treatment option) recommended and whether additional procedures are necessary to achieve the proper esthetic and functional result. The only way to accurately estimate the cost for an individual patient is to have an examination and consultation with your dental specialist. The total fee is usually comparable to other methods of tooth replacement; however, long-term, implant treatment is generally more cost effective than other options, such as bridges, partials and dentures that need to be replaced every 5-10 years.

Schedule An Appointment

Life Smiles Dental Care would love to meet you and your family and provide you with the dental care you need and give you all smiles you deserve!

By Phone

La Jolla 858-455-7777
Chula Vista 619-482-5555
